starting from: $6915.00

Select finish:
lasso resort, grade 20
duches evergalde, grade 22
tempo tides, grade 14
meridien startlight, grade 28
fitz rustico, grade 16
novella morro, grade 18
heather black haze, grade 22
alton flurry, grade 14
oso parkway, grade 20
huxley gotham gray, grade 20
briony gravel, grade 24
rialto jade, grade 20
libra swell, grade 24
encato indigo, grade 20
tuscan crepe, grade 12
metallica nickel, grade 20
fraser marin, grade 14
heather rice paper, grade 22
arco tranquillo, grade 28
park ave skyline, grade 24
kellogg burnish, grade 22
cavallo stonewash, grade 20
selena powder, grade 20
coleman bermuda, grade 24
serrano stonework, grade 22
ludlow nightfall, grade 26
expose catwalk, grade 20
wanderlust riverwalk, grade 30
metropolis steelcase, grade 20
gala invite, grade 20
hermosa sand dollar, grade 24
baldwin chromeo, grade 20
peretti feldspar, grade 20
kellogg mica, grade 22
corbello edgewoood, grade 26
stanza sparrow, grade 22
maestro claystone, grade 20
finesse calypso, grade 18
miso stonewash, grade 22
gibson nightshade, grade 22
hippie hooray, grade 26
baldwin seaside, grade 20
pomona refresh, grade 22
kente cinder, grade 14
la vida chisel, grade 20
divino blacksmith, grade 24
stateside haze, grade 14
mariposa air sream, grade 20
finesse tropics, grade 18
nook windward, grade 24
gusto glaze, grade 24
academy retreat, grade 18
hudson storm, grade 22
brio lemon zest, grade 18
promenade argento, grade 28
lasso compass, grade 20
duches dazzled, grade 22
tempo blaze, grade 14
marquee smoke, grade 14
fitz outerspace, grade 16
novella caravan, grade 18
headline niteline, grade 24
agency pebbles, grade 22
oso night owl, grade 20
huxley dovetail, grade 20
briony deep sea, grade 24
rialto blue bird, grade 20
libra soba, grade 24
encanto merlot, grade 20
trovita hidaway, grade 26
metallica copper, grade 20
fraser gazette, grade 14
heather muslin, grade 22
arco temperance, grade 28
palisades getaway, grade 18
improv spotlight, grade 18
cavallo porcelain, grade 20
rialto pyrite, grade 20
serrano sawdust, grade 22
ludlow french roast, grade 26
encato teal, grade 20
wanderlust cantina, grade 30
metropolis flagstone, grade 20
gala harmony, grade 20
heather spaqua, grade 22
armada sonnet, grade 18
peretti fairway, grade 20
kellogg melange, grade 22
coleman bedrock, grade 24
conrado thrive, grade 24
spyglass whimsy, grade 18
macado mingle, grade 28
expose tower, grade 20
midori twirl, grade 26
geomaze heist, heist 18
hippie desiree, grade 26
baldwin magma, grade 20
pomona marsh, grade 22
kellogg slate, grade 22
cosmic cobalt, grade 12
stateside chimney, grade 14
manor mineral, rade 28
finesse trademark, grade 18
nook groundwork, grade 24
gusto daredevil, grade 24
academy prospect, grade 18
hudson mist, grade 22
brio blacksand, grade 18
prescot nimbus, grade 22
kinetic roulette, grade 26
la vida vibes, grade 20
domaso dovecoat, grade 18
stateside peacock, grade 14
marquee nickel, grade 14
fitz moonwalk, grade 16
nori outlook, grade 18
headline dateline, grade 24
agency armory, grade 22
novella pismo, grade 18
huxley daydream, grade 20
brio surf, grade 18
radience starstruk, grade 24
libra broadcast, grade 24
encanto lime, grade 20
trovita careen, grade 26
metallica cocoa, grade 20
fraser azure, grade 14
heather chalkboard, grade 22
anello brezza, grade 34
palisades biltmore, grade 18
improv night shade, grade 18
cavallo passe, grade 20
rialto mandarin, grade 20
selena twilight, grade 20
libra whisk, grade 24
encato spice, grade 20
tuscan pewter, grade 12
metallica smoke, grade 20
fraser moonlight, grade 14
heather sahara, grade 22
armada noble, grade 18
penrose lumina, grade 36
kellogg heathered, grade 22
claris exhae, grade 18
conrado impulse, grade 24
spyglass tequilla, grade 18
macado centrale, grade 28
expose steel cut, grade 20
midori brew, grade 26
gala pavement, grade 20
herrera amplify, grade 24
baldwin haven, grade 20
pomona abyss, grade 22
kellogg pomelo, grade 22
corbello stonewall, grade 26
stanza swan, grade 22
manor box office, grade 28
finesse hometown, grade 18
nook cranny, grade 24
gondola stance, grade 22
academy cadette, grade 18
hudson boardwalk, grade 22
brio beach front, grade 18
prescot highway, grade 22
kinetic pivot, grade 26
la vida high dive, grade 20
divino mercury, grade 24
stateside kiwi, grade 14
mariposa darling, grade 20
fitz bittersweet, grade 16
nori elbow, grade 18
gusto space age, grade 24
agency arctica, grade 22
hudson talc, grade 22
brio honeymoon, grade 18
radiance moonlight, grade 24

more finishes
Item is discontinued


Price for fabric grade 12 one arm chaise + armless chair + one arm chair


- Ottoman, 40" bench, 72" bench, armless chair, one arm chair, corner, armless chair, one arm chaise

- Select hardwood and industrial grade plywood covered with polyurethane foam and polyester fiber.

- 3" unidirectional webbing.

- Seat; multiple density/IFD polyurethane foam wrapped with polyester fiber.

- Back: 50% 90/10 white goose feather & down and 50% polyester fiber.

- Fabrics: all edges are serged and top stitched.

- ABS plastic with plastic glide.

- line drawing shown as right facing, also available as left facing.

- accent pillow not included in price.

Starting from:

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