Anteprima is animated comfort

Cluadio Bellini loves stiletto heels. One glance at the forward thinking designer of the ANTEPRIMA armchair’s extensive portfolio will tell you that. Whether it’s the elegant Don Giovanni sofa for Natuzzi Italia, a funky set of artist’s stools, or U2’s recording studio in Dublin, the impression is always the same. His style is remarkable, ever elegant, and constantly chic’. The ANTEPRIMA armchair rocks this look with as bold a tone as any of Bellini’s pieces. Unapologetically posh Italian leather upholstering supports you in comfort while quietly suggesting a night at the Oscars. The slightly reclining seat kicks you back and the signature fine line legs finish the effect.

Natuzzi Italia Anteprima armchair

Bellini defines his process as “a mind adventure; free of any prejudice, animated only by enthusiasm, curiosity and optimism.” Merge that with Natuzzi’s dedication to create furniture that “is the unique and unrepeatable result of our culture” and you have the perfect marriage of the inventive and the timeless. It’s why the ANTEPRIMA chair fits as effortlessly beside the LONG BEACH sofa Bellini designed for Natuzzi as it does in a contemporary office landscape. This chair doesn’t just sit in the corner. It’s poised on it’s feet, curving with comfort, inviting you to take a breather, refreshing your enthusiasm for life.

Beneath the elegant notes of Bellini’s creation, lies a quality furnishing that is all NATUZZI. Environmentally sustainable hardwood framing, covered in hand-worked European leather or fabrics with a matching assortment of finishes for the feet. All these flourishes emphasize a balance of form and function. This is a flawless harmony of soft-to-the-touch leather cushioning and heirloom quality Natuzzi craftmanship.

Natuzzi Italia Anteprima Armchair

ANTEPRIMA is available through the Natuzzi QuickShip program so your delivery experience will be a seamless as the piece itself. Satisfy your curiosity and experience the comfort of this boldly drawn, contemporary armchair. Visit our Watertown design center and luxuriating in one of many floor models in person.

Posted by: Thomas Kee