
Circle Of Harmony episode 7, Argo by Paola Navone

Argo – by Paola Navone – celebrates the Mediterranean approach to savouring life. The soft upholstery envelops its luxuriant curves, giving the sofa a cozy, casual appearance. In an unexpectedly Pop Art touch, two giant staples are sunk into the backrest, further emphasizing the sofa’s inviting, all-embracing softness. The temptation to f lop down on it is just too overwhelming. Only Paola Navone, with the provocative, anti-scholarly attitude that she has always been renowned for, could have come up with such a rendition of the sofa. Argo reinterprets – and redesigns – history with that taste for a slightly blemished beauty that has always marked Paola Navone’s unique style and f lair, here taking on a special allure inspired by Mediterranean atmospheres. Which seem to have been conceived and created specifically to enhance her natural propensity for cross-contamination. The Mediterranean thrives, as a fertile source of inspiration, throughout this collection designed for Natuzzi. Impressions associated with its colors and traditions evoke
a natural beauty made up of sheer simplicity and attention to detail, and reveal in a wholly unexpected
way a lifestyle that exists nowhere else on Earth. That connection with the soil and with others, that bond
with one’s own roots, that Harmony which Natuzzi has always sought to bring to the world and which
Paola Navone, cosmopolitan designer par excellence and forever in search of new “worlds”, has managed
to capture in an absolutely unprecedented manner.

Natuzzi Argo by Paola Navone
Natuzzi Argo by Paola Navone

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